
David Groos djgroos at
Wed Aug 15 21:59:28 UTC 2012

The journey continues!

I'm preping the LTSP server for the new year and excited for the
advancement of ltsp-pnp.  I'm following these directions:, starting from a
blank hard drive.  Due to broken DVD drive, I've installed using a flash

Things start out fine, but upon running the provided commands:

sudo -iadd-apt-repository --yes ppa:ts.sch.grapt-get updateapt-get
--yes install dnsmasq ltsp-server-standalone ltsp-client
ldm-ubuntu-themeltsp-config dnsmasqecho 'IPAPPEND=3' >>

and restarting I get a system error/crash, the start of which is shown in
the included image.  The crash report says there's already a bug report on
this issue, thought the last comment on it is from May 2012 (

I've re-installed, this time selecting "no" during the configuring stage,
but still getting the same system crash.  One thing I noticed while the
script was running in terminal was this line (which I've copied for here):

> dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in
> use                [fail]

Any ideas/how people have dealt with this?

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