need help with localapps on 12.04

David Trask dtrask at
Fri Aug 10 22:08:05 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Hope you can help.  I have a single NIC install of Edubuntu.  It's working
as a normal terminal server, but I cannot seem to get localapps working
correctly.  I followed the directions on the Youtube video put out by the
disklessworkstations folks ( and as far as I know I did
everything right, but for some reason when I go to launch  ltsp-localapps
firefox....nothing happens.  It just goes back to a command prompt. 
HOWEVER....  ltsp-localapps xterm WORKS.  So...I'm stumped.  I've run
ltsp-update-image --arch=i386  several differences.  Any ideas
on what I may be missing?  Can someone point me to the best localapps
how-to?  Anything?  

Also...if it makes any difference...I do have AD integration running with
Likewise, but I even tried with a local account and got the same results.

David Trask
Technology Director/Teacher
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at
(207) 923-4305

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