[Ltsp-discuss] Announcing Epoptes, a computer lab management and monitoring tool

David Hopkins dahopkins429 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 01:23:01 UTC 2011

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 6:56 PM, Alkis Georgopoulos <alkisg at gmail.com>wrote:

> Στις 28-10-2011, ημέρα Παρ, και ώρα 16:46 -0400, ο/η David Hopkins
> έγραψε:
> > Please ignore. I hadn't noticed that I had selected my system as one
> > of the systems to which to send the broadcast. So, loopbacks are not
> > good.
> You shouldn't be able to do that... you shouldn't even be seeing your
> own system.
> How do you run epoptes? Are you working on a thin client? Or on the
> server itself? Or standalone clients? etc...

I am running from a thin client. epoptes is run from the teacher's account
on thin client which is part of the lab.  I simply selected all systems and
then broadcasted ... the teacher's system shows up as one that can be

As long as I don't select that system, everything works very nicely ..
broadcasting to 30 systems has a slight lag (about 1 sec) but unless you are
moving quickly, it really isn't noticeable.  Is there documentation about
how to set up rooms/classes like is shown on the website?
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