Re: Switching to Kubuntu; problems?

Mike Biancaniello mikebianc at
Sun Oct 23 20:44:26 UTC 2011

I've noticed a transition lately to optimisations for  smaller screens and making more out of limited real estate and for tablets and phone and such, it's wonderful and quite innovative.  However, for those of us who still use an actual monitor, it's annoying at best.  From not being able to scroll my firefox by clicking the bottom of the scrollbar to the entire unity interface, it is not optimised in the least for anyone with a screen larger than 10".

I'm trying to like unity, I really am.  But if I wanted a Mac, I'd fork over the $$$ (maybe should be $$$$$) and get a Mac.

From: Robert Curriden <rcurriden at>
To: edubuntu-users <edubuntu-users at>
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 12:33 pm
Subject: Re: Switching to Kubuntu; problems?

Let's all be honest. Fallback is not Classic; I'm hoping that 12.04 has
more common sense, and maintains the Classic desktop.

On Sun, 2011-10-23 at 19:11 +0300, Alkis Georgopoulos wrote:
> Στις 23-10-2011, ημέρα Κυρ, και ώρα 12:02 -0400, ο/η Todd O'Bryan
> έγραψε:
> > I hate Unity. Sorry, but there you have it. Having to dig around to
> > find programs, not being able to put applets on's just too
> > much change! :-)
> >
> > Anyway, I think I'm going to switch to Kubuntu for my lab. I should be
> > completely to fat clients within a couple of months, but I was
> > wondering if there are any gotchas I should be aware of.
> >
> > Todd
> >

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