{Disarmed} FOSSed 2011...Register today!
David Trask
dtrask at vcsvikings.org
Wed Apr 27 03:31:26 UTC 2011
Free and Open Source in Education Conference!
[ http://www.fossed.com/ ]http://www.fossed.com
I'm writing to let you know that you deserve great professional
It's simple as that.
Now...a little more... If you've been to FOSSed you have some idea of
what I'm talking about. Some conferences are great "dog and pony" shows
where you get a small sampling of what you can learn or walk away with.
Some are simply a big trade-show with vendors hawking the latest and
greatest products that are sure to inspire a whole lot of gee-whiz in you
and your students...until the next thing comes along. FOSSed, however, is
different. Ever since the beginning, 9 years ago, FOSSed has been
participant driven. We've set up the entire conference around what YOU
wanted to learn more about. We also know that learning from a vendor is
one thing, but learning from your colleagues who've "been there and done
that" is MUCH more powerful!
If success can be measured in longevity, then I can honestly say that
FOSSed has truly been successful in meeting the goal of providing quality
professional development over the years. FOSSed is now going into our 9th
year! Over the years we've had some truly excellent presenters and
presentations. This year, I'm sure, will be no exception. We already
have some great sessions and instructors lined up and are looking for more
(are you interested?) We want you to come and be a part of the FOSSed
experience. Many folks come back year after year simply because it is a
truly great experience. You not only learn a lot from the sessions, but
even more learning takes place after-hours and during the incredible
meals. (yes...I said it....the meals are AWESOME at FOSSed) You get a
real chance to connect with colleagues and learn so much more than you can
in a typical conference environment.
We want YOU! Come and be a part of FOSSed...either as a presenter...a
participant or both! FOSSed is and always has been participant driven.
We want to know what you would like to learn more about. Please go to
the [ http://www.fossed.com/ ]FOSSed site [
](or click here) and go to Call for presentations for FOSSed 2011 (on the
left side in the navigation menu) and fill out the simple form where you
can tell us more about what you want to learn! Once you get beyond the
first page or so there's also an opportunity for you to let us know if
you'd like to present. Most of our FOSSed presenters are also FOSSed
participants. These folks simply want to share their knowledge and
excitement with YOU. If you have an idea...let me know about it...I'd
love to have you present to your colleagues. (and did I mention we pay
you a bit?)
I know the economy isn't what it could be. Times are tough. This is why
it's more important than ever that we leverage quality professional
development at a great price. The price for FOSSed is ALL INCLUSIVE.
Meals, lodging, and the conference are all one low price (that's the same
as last year...we held the line and so did Gould Academy). You can stay
on-campus...or you can save a little $$$ and stay off-campus. (off-campus
is mostly for the local folks with a short commute) It's $495 for
on-campus participants and $455 for off-campus. All meals are included.
For those of you who are ACTEM members...combine it with your ACTEM
professional development benefit and you could be able to come to FOSSed
for less than $100! We're also VERY flexible. Some schools need special
billing arrangements to accomodate the new fiscal year and so forth...no
worries...just contact me and I'll be happy to help you out. ( [
mailto:copperdoggy at gmail.com ]copperdoggy at gmail.com ) OH! And don't
forget...FOSSed is in July...so it is part of the NEW budget/fiscal
year...that might help you!
Also...don't forget! CEU's! Yes...you can get up to 3 CEU's from the
University of Southern Maine (USM official transcript) for attending
FOSSed! What a great way to get lots of great recertification credit all
at once!
Here are some of the sessions I'm working on putting together for this
year (the schedule will be finalized as we get a bit closer)
Your Linux Classroom!
Free and Open Source Apps for your iPad
The Open Source Mac and iOS
All about Android
The Open Source Studio (music editing, MIDI, video editing and more!)
Open Source and Active Directory (you gotta' see this! It's AWESOME!)
Using Google Sites for ePortfolios!
Advanced Google Apps for your School or Classroom
Productivity 2.0 (using your smartphone, iPad, iPod, laptop, Google Apps,
and more to be more productive!)
FreeNAS (set up an easy to manage Network Attached Storage Device)
Advanced Network Security (Packetfence, PFsense..etc)
Open Source Cloning and Imaging (this is always popular and we hope to
address mobile devices this year)
Open 1to1 2011 image
Managing your 1:1 school or classroom (monitoring, filtering, keeping kids
on task...etc. with emphasis on free and open source tools)
AND MORE! (I'm out of space) ;-)
So...whaddya' waiting for? For more information and to register for
FOSSed 2011...go to[ http://www.fossed.com/ ] http://www.fossed.com
As always...even if you don't have your PO number or you're not sure about
the finances...register NOW! We'll worry about the PO and stuff later.
You can simply email me the PO or PO number when you get one. Please
register soon...we can take care of all the other stuff as we go along.
If you have ANY questions...please email me at [
mailto:copperdoggy at gmail.com ]copperdoggy at gmail.com I'll be happy to help.
David Trask
FOSSed 2011
[ mailto:copperdoggy at gmail.com ]copperdoggy at gmail.com
[ tel:207.956.0881 ]207.956.0881
David Trask
Technology Director/Teacher
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcsvikings.org
(207) 923-4305
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