Google Chrome as Local App?

Nick Fenger nick at
Tue Sep 14 22:25:30 BST 2010


The script below seems to work for users who already have a chrome profile,
however, if there is no profile I get:

nick at ltsp87:/tmp$ run-chrome
mv: cannot stat `/home/nick/.config/chromium': No such file or directory
[3231:3231:958859199:FATAL:chrome/browser/] Check
failed: profile. Cannot get default profile.
/usr/bin/run-chrome: line 7:  3231 Aborted                 chromium-browser
--no-first-run %U

I get the same error  when running without --no-first-run


Here's the current script (

mv ~/.config/chromium ~/.config/chromium.orig
mkdir /tmp/.config-chromium
ln -sf /tmp/.config-chromium ~/.config/chromium
ln -sf ~/.config/chromium.orig/Default /tmp/.config-chromium/Default
chromium-browser --no-first-run



On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Nick Fenger <
nick at> wrote:

> Hello,
> An update on this:
> I implemented Stéphane's workaround and it appears to be working. One
> caveat is that chrome shows the first run prompt each time, however, chrome
> has a --no-first-run flag: (i.e. chromium-browser --no-first-run )  which
> takes care of this problem.
> Here is my script placed in /opt/ltsp/i386/opt/
> #!/bin/bash
> mv ~/.config/chromium ~/.config/chromium.orig
> mkdir /tmp/.config-chromium
> ln -sf /tmp/.config-chromium ~/.config/chromium
> ln -sf ~/.config/chromium.orig/Default /tmp/.config-chromium/Default
> chromium-browser --no-first-run
> $ sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386
> then: $ chmod +x  /opt/
> then: $ ln -s /opt/ /bin/run-chrome
> after rebuilding the image i can now run in a terminal on the client
> $ ltsp-localapps run-chrome
> and I get chrome!!!
> Thanks Again,
> -Nick
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Stéphane Graber <stgraber at>wrote:
>> mv ~/.config/chromium ~/.config/chromium.orig
>> mkdir /tmp/.config-chromium
>> ln -sf /tmp/.config-chromium ~/.config/chromium
>> ln -sf ~/.config/chromium.orig/Default /tmp/.config-chromium/Default
> --
> Nick Fenger
> -Information Technology
> Trillium Charter School
> 5420 N. Interstate Ave
> Portland, OR 97217
> (503) 285-3833

Nick Fenger
-Information Technology

Trillium Charter School
5420 N. Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 285-3833
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