Swap filling up, apps crashing

Nick Fenger nick at trilliumcharterschool.org
Mon Sep 6 21:43:12 BST 2010

here's an update on my memory issues:

I switched to a thin client with local apps setup. Now 512M is plenty of
memory for chrome as a local app if everything else runs from the ltsp
server. I was using fat clients because of network slowness. Looks like
fixing flow control is going to help my network actually use the gigabit
port in the server.  *

On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Nick Fenger <nick at trilliumcharterschool.org
> wrote:

> Jonathan,
> I also ran into some memory problems on a 512MB machine. Disabling certain
>> things that run on startup (most notable jockey-gtk and italc) reduced the
>> memory usage
> I am impressed that these machines run very well for 10-20 minutes, I can
> browse the web and run flash and java sites & openoffice simultaneously,
> however, swap inches up and things start crashing. A reboot is the only way
> to clear the swap back to 0.
> I do expect that with only 512MB of ram I will need remove anything extra -
> thanks for the suggestions. This appears to be more like a memory leak,
> however, I'm wondering if it's related to the lucid x memory leaks found
> during beta testing. I can't seem to find what's hogging the swap memory?
> Thanks,
> -Nick
> On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <
> jonathan at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nick
>> On 04/09/2010 13:21, Nick Fenger wrote:
>> > I'm having an issue where swap fills to 100% (0Kb free) after
>> > running applications such as openoffice and chrome/firefox but does not
>> > decrease substantially when the applications are closed. Ultimately when
>> > swap reaches 100%, browser plugins start crashing (java, flash).
>> >
>> > The configuration is a mostly out-of-the-box fat-clients (32Bit 3.2Ghz
>> > 512MB intel video systems) with a Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid image I built with
>> > the --fat-client option of ltsp-build-client on a 64Bit Server. I've
>> > made no customizations is Lts.conf.
>> > Thank you for your support,
>> In my initial tests with diskless fat clients, I also ran into some
>> memory problems on a 512MB machine. Disabling certain things that run on
>> startup (most notable jockey-gtk and italc) reduced the memory usage
>> quite a bit and made it possible to log in and use the machine much
>> better.
>> It doesn't quite sound like you have the same issue that I had, but
>> perhaps even removing some of these session startup programs might fix
>> yours as well.
>> -Jonathan
> --
> Nick Fenger
> -Information Technology
> -6th Grade Outdoor School
> -Trillium Board Member - Communication Committee
> Trillium Charter School
> 5420 N. Interstate Ave
> Portland, OR 97217
> (503) 285-3833
> http://www.trilliumcharterschool.org
> "If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor
> freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without
> plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They
> want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may
> be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and
> physical; but it must be a struggle."
> — Frederick Douglass <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Douglass>

Nick Fenger
-Information Technology

Trillium Charter School
5420 N. Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 285-3833
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