No subject

Tue Nov 9 20:19:56 GMT 2010

more scalable and fault tolerant in a multi-user environment (but
maybe less secure). Btw DRBL uses nfs over tcp if it can.  But I have
not tried Edubuntu's fatclient mode so I cannot compare. But I can
report ~20 students simultaneously installing Ubuntu into a Virtualbox
VM from 1 ubuntu iso file in /home. So each students VM loopback
mounts that 1 iso file over nfs and installs to their own /home dir
back over nfs (thank goodness for full duplex connections). I should
have recorded that. (next time)
But I have something else:

Here is a video of WOL boot for a class (30 systems).
DRBL 64 bit (Oct 2009)
Dual Quad core (raid 10, 24GB, eth1+eth2 Gbit DRBL LAN)
31 diskless client systems in lab (Dell Optiplex 760 E1400 Celeron 2GB
1 system used for recording video (notice eth2 starts with ~2MB/s,
that's recordmydesktop load)
WOL boot all 30 systems. Notice hard disk is usage is very low (NFS caching).

Robert Arkiletian
Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, Canada

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