iTALC config file isn't updated

David Groos djgroos at
Fri Jan 29 14:35:19 GMT 2010

Hi All,

I just added by hand another classroom of users in the iTALC
interface--helping out another teacher.  Of course, I wanted to keep these
settings persistant, like I had previously done with my own class of thin
clients.  Our classrooms are both on the same server.  I expected I would be
able to simply copy (before quiting) the globalconfig.xml file in my
~/.italc folder over the /etc/italc/configfiles folder as explained so well
in:  Well, my
~/.italc/globalconfig.xml file DIDN'T contain my latest additions!  I
examined all files in: ~/.italc/ and in /etc/italc/configfiles/ and none had
the newly added computers!

So I checked online and saw this other page:
says you need to quit iTALC before copying the globalconfig.xml file
from one's ~/.italc/ folder.  This seemed strange since other things said
that I would loose the configs I had just made.  Well, I had nothing to
loose since I couldn't get it to work in the way suggested in the ubuntu
wiki so I tried this, it didn't work, and sure enough, I lost all my
computers I entered.

Where was the config file which had the info of my newly added classroom
with the freshly added computers?

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