Edubuntu 9.10 AMD64 doesn't boot in VBox?

Jordan Erickson jerickson at
Tue Jan 26 20:05:55 GMT 2010

Jonathan Carter wrote:
> Hi Jordan
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 3:14 AM, Jordan Erickson
> <jerickson at> wrote:
>> Ok, so when I try booting either from a burned DVD image or an ISO in
>> VBox, it will actually hard-lock my system after going to a black screen
>> (after hitting "Install Edubuntu"). I'm thinking maybe it's a bug in
>> VBox, but other OSes I've installed so far (Ubuntu, WinXP..) have been
>> working fine. I dunno, I booted directly to the DVD and it seems to work
>> but when I did that, I did the Live session option (didn't want to
>> install it..I can always just see if it actually gets to anything though)..
> When you installed Ubuntu was it also the 64 bit version?


> The 64bit install was tested for alpha2, so we know it works at least outside of
> virtualbox. Could you do a checksum of your disc and check that it
> matches the download location? Just to eliminate that something went
> wrong with the download.

Yep, just verified the ISO:


Good t/s steps.. I'm going to try it again here in a sec, just wanted to
shoot the e-mail off before I crash my box again ;)

- Jordan

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