LDAP client question

Jordan Erickson jerickson at logicalnetworking.net
Wed Jan 20 18:43:31 GMT 2010

...aaand, we're getting somewhere potentially. Sounds like we just need
to say hi to the right people and we can start working toward something

https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-389-directory-server (see below IRC snippet)

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Lns Hi everyone

Lns I'm coming from the Edubuntu / LTSP community here, decided to add
#ubuntu-server to my idle chan list ;)

au :)

unit3 heya

Lns Sounds like it'd be a good idea since most LTSP and a lot of
Edubuntu installs are multi-user and require some heavy lifting (not to
mention some good tools for admin)

unit3 makes sense.

* robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk

Lns Has anyone got any opinion on a good LDAP setup/admin GUI?

Lns We've been struggling to come up with something for the longest time.

unit3 389 (was fedora) directory server looks nice, but the Ubuntu
packaging seems to have stalled, so you'd probably have to run it on
CentOS or Fedora.

unit3 alternatively (and better in the long run) would be to poke at the
389 packaging team (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-389-directory-server)

unit3 and get them to update their packages.

unit3 ;)

unit3 hell, help them out. I'm sure it's just a matter of manpower, really.

So it's #ubuntu-server on freenode... and
https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server to subscribe to
their listserv.


Jordan Erickson wrote:
> Scott Balneaves wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 09:03:43AM -0800, Jordan Erickson wrote:
>>> David Hopkins wrote:
>>> *snip*
>>>> As for questions to the server team ... which
>>>> list would that be?
>>> /me thinks the server team would probably get a lot of good ideas from
>>> the LTSP+Edubuntu communities...
>> Been there, done that, diiiiiiiiidn't get a whole lot of response.
> Marketing law states that you must expose XYZ to a potential at *least*
> 3 times before they will even read it.. I propose we attempt to build an
> inter-community relationship with the server community.. It couldn't
> hurt to try, and we have nothing but good people/ideas to gain..
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved
>> If I might proffer an opinion....
>> LDAP's a "hard" subject.  It's:
>> 1) Non-trivial to set up
>> 2) Infinitely customizable
>> 3) Lacking any discernable standard as to how you should lay out your database
>>    for authentication.
>> So the problem is, every time you poke your head up and say: "Hey guys, lets do
>> X!" you're greeted by a chorus of "Yeah, but what about....", an which point
>> everybody stares at their shoes, goes "Hmmmm, interesting problem <deep
>> thought>" and the problem disappears off into the sunset for another few
>> months.
>> I'm not blaming them.  LDAP *is* the single largest PITA to configure/setup/get
>> working, and it's deucedly difficult to try to make the "perfect" tool.
>> Both RedHat and SkoleLinux solved the problem by saying "You'll do it our way
>> and *like it*!!!!", with the end result that they have something that works,
>> but God help you if you want/need to do something different.  Debian, and by
>> extention Ubuntu, is still waiting for the perfect, infinitely customizable yet
>> easy-to-use LDAP tool to come along.
> IMVHO, There is no such thing. Having a rock-solid, infinitively
> customizable, yet easy to set up+configure XYZ is a paradoxical dream.
> What we might be able to discuss is a generic "school type auth" LDAP
> setup, which as you said, even Redhat seems to have to do... If you
> want/need customization, you can learn the shell tools. It's not
> confining this way, because you have an absolute choice of either one.
> We'd just be making it a bit easier for people who don't need elaborate
> setups.
> Cheers,
> Jordan

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