group permission problems for devices mounted in /media

john lists.john at
Thu Feb 4 18:04:52 GMT 2010

Hi all,

The recent fuse update seems to have caused me a bit of trouble with
regards to local device support.
Since I use active directory for authentication I had been using a work around
that uses a setuid chown via a perl script to change the group
ownership of usb drives mounted on by TC users.

The perl script lives in /etc/ltspfs/mounter.d which is supposed to be
a little known but useful LTSP bit o' magic. Perhaps I am
crazy and it never worked under Ubuntu Hardy?

Anyway, I have two questions:

Does Hardy support  /etc/ltspfs/mounter.d ?
Does anyone have any idea why this stopped working and what I might
try to get it working again?



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