Acer Netbooks + Edubuntu

Charl Wentzel charl.wentzel at
Thu Aug 19 14:57:40 BST 2010

Hi Guys

My company is trying to negotiate a deal with the importers of Acer
laptops (in South Africa) to supply Acer Aspire One netbooks with the
following specs:

Atom 1.6GHz
8GB Flash HD
10" LCD
SD card expansion slot (like additional harddrive)
3 USB ports
Built-in WiFi
Full hardware guarantee from supplier (no grey imports)

These are perfect for running Edubuntu 10.04 with the netbook interface.
I'm using the same netbook with only 512MB RAM and it boots in less than
a minute and works well.

We want to supply them to schools/communities/parents/etc for around
R2,500 with Edubuntu pre-loaded.  (This is the target, it might be more,
but we'll try to keep it well below R3,000)

I would like to get a feel whether anybody would be interested?  It is
early stages and I need some indication of interest as part of the

(This is South Africa only for now, may expand to Southern Africa later)

Please let me know if you think you have a project that would be
interested and how many units might be involved.

Best regards
Charl Wentzel

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