lucid unown user id LTSP user cant loggin

Mattias Hemmingsson matte at
Thu Aug 19 14:15:54 BST 2010


I have 4 ltsp server running lucid staddning.
But non of my ldap users can loggin to the servers.
The servers dump and unown user id and then sends the user back to loggin.

I have done som search and it seams to be cousing by somthing called DRI.
And I also find a buf saying that its not possible to turn dri off on the lts.conf file on lucid.
And that you have to set upp your own xorg.con file.

So i tried all this but still my users can logged in.
Is there any one using lucid with ltsp ans ldap and that has an working solution for this problem?

My lts.conf
X_DEVICE_OPTION_01 = "\"DRI\" \"false\""
X_OPTION_01 = "\"DRI\" \"false\""
[[Ltsp_XF86CONFIG|XF86CONFIG]]_FILE      = /etc/elino/xorg.conf


Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
        Option          "DRI"                   "false"

Regards Matte

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