Blender Fails To Start
Lee Harr
missive at
Tue Apr 20 15:12:05 BST 2010
Scott Balneaves <sbalneav <at>> writes:
> On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 02:57:36PM -0700, Jim Christiansen wrote:
> > Has anyone had this trouble?
> >
> > :~#blender
> > Compiled with Python version 2.6.2.
> > Checking for installed Python... got it!
> > X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such
> > operation)
> > Major opcode of failed request: 137 (DRI2)
> > Minor opcode of failed request: 1 ()
> > Serial number of failed request: 23
> > Current serial number in output stream: 23
> >
> > Blender installed without errors but won't start on a client. I won't start
> > on the server either from an sshed -Y conection...
> More than likely a bug in how it's talking to X. Any chance you can use ltrace
> or similar to narrow down where it's failing?
> Scott
I am having the same trouble. I have the ltrace of starting up blender,
but it is very long... Here is the end of it.
PyEval_ReleaseThread(0x9c8ab18, 0x8b47926, 0xb770898c, 0x3f27e0, 0x9c80160) = 0
calloc(160, 1) = 0x09ced170
strncpy(0xbfea66c6, "screen", 21) = 0xbfea66c6
strlen("screen") = 6
strlen("screen") = 6
strcpy(0x09ced1a2, "screen") = 0x09ced1a2
strlen("Blender") = 7
_Znaj(15, 0x1fb9ff4, 0x1fbb3a0, 0x1ee63ae, 0xbfea6658) = 0x9cf6b88
memcpy(0x09cf6b88, "Blender", 7) = 0x09cf6b88
_Znwj(144, 0x8b5d00a, 0xbfea65f8, 0xde8bb7, 15) = 0x9cba270
glXChooseVisual(0x9c801d8, 0, 0xbfea6490, 0, 1440X Error of failed request:
BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 137 (DRI2)
Minor opcode of failed request: 1 (DRI2Connect)
Serial number of failed request: 32
Current serial number in output stream: 32
<unfinished ...>
_ZNSt6localeD1Ev(0x8e5ac10, 1, 0xbfea5f68, 0x8859cb8, 0x8e5a914) = 20
_ZNSt8ios_baseD2Ev(0x8e5ac1c, 1, 0xbfea5f68, 0x8859cb8, 0x8e5a914) = 19
_ZNSt13basic_filebufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE5closeEv(0x8e5aadc, 1, 0xbfea5f68,
0x8859cb8, 0x8e5a914) = 0
_ZNSt12__basic_fileIcED1Ev(0x8e5ab14, 1, 0xbfea5f68, 0x8859cb8, 0x8e5a914) = 0
_ZNSt6localeD1Ev(0x8e5aaf8, 1, 0xbfea5f68, 0x8859cb8, 0x8e5a914) = 18
_ZNSt8ios_baseD2Ev(0x8e5ab64, 1, 0xbfea5f68, 0x8859cb8, 0x8e5a914) = 17
_ZdaPv(0x9c786f8, 0, 0, 1584, 0x1fbb3a0) = 2521
_ZdaPv(0x9c78560, 0, 0, 1584, 0x1fbb3a0) = 2929
_ZdaPv(0x9c78520, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c784d8, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c78480, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 89
_ZdaPv(0x9c78468, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c78450, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c78438, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c78420, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c78408, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c783f0, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c783e0, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c781b8, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0x1fb9ff4) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c781a8, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c78198, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c78180, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c77930, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c77710, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c776f8, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c776e8, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
_ZdaPv(0x9c776d8, 0x1ee87cd, 0x883797b, 0x1fb9ff4, 0xd83429) = 0x1fbb3a0
+++ exited (status 1) +++
I'd really like to get this working. What else can I do?
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