HOWTO: Asus Eee as a thin client

David Van Assche dvanassche at
Thu Sep 3 18:46:55 BST 2009

Hi Asmo and others... the website was set up for
precisely this kind of thing. It is a moodle site that has all the power
that moodle brings (courses in multi-format, interactive content, made for
teachers who teach practically, great multi language support, mailing lists,
live chat, forums, lesson plan templates, etc, etc) It began as a project
for opensuse, and today is thankfully still hosted (they pay for it) by
Novell. But it has grown to involve the whole linux community interested in
Education. There are quite a large number of people registered, and a few
who regularly check in, even fiewer who leave comments, chat on the forums
or chat rooms, and almost nobody adding content.

I'm not really sure how to go about encouraging people to get excited about
this, but with Edubuntu now becoming its own distro again, i think its high
time we contribute and add content to the ubuntu section of the site...
You'll see I've started off by adding 2 Ubuntu based courses, making the
perfect edubuntu desktop, and jazzing up your ed/ubuntu install. Both might
have some minor wrinkles which I'm just working on, but they are fun to
follow, and give users and idea on how easy it is to create a course. What I
thought about when I read this mail was, when people want to make a howto,
and it answers more than one simple question, make a moodle course out of
it. For example... the below could become: Setting up LTSP using netbooks as
clients or Asus eeepcs as clients on Ubuntu. It could contain all the
customisations/modifications one could make to get netbooks (or more
specifically eeepcs) to look and run well, inlcuding the caveats. It could
include running ltsp with the netbooks as thin clients, local apps, or fat
clients, connecting with LDAP, or even thrown in Samba, maybe add a
filtering solution, along with content caching...

In other words, these courses can copy and translate, they can branch, they
can grow, but generally they are real world examples of how something gets
implemented with lots of images, video material, audio, flash, multiple page
pathways, etc etc

Though this how to may not be the best example of something to port to i, it
would be faster than the time it took for me to write this email. If anyone
wants to help with the site, just send me an email and we'll sort something
out so u get at least course creator status. But we need people from those
creating categories, to translater, to forum moderators/enthusiasts <get
conversations started> to translations and glossaries, dictionaries and
databases made. In fact... just listing all the ways in which someone can
help out is a job in and of itself :-) The power of moodle is vast.... give
it a chance and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised...

kind regards,
David Van Assche - - - - -

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Asmo Koskinen <asmo.koskinen at>wrote:

> Hi, I added a HOWTO.
> Please, correct my english. Thank you.
> Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.
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"Sports is like a war without the killing."
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