OpenLDAP authentication

Todd O'Bryan toddobryan at
Fri Oct 30 13:13:22 GMT 2009

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 3:57 AM, Asmo Koskinen <asmo.koskinen at> wrote:
> Todd O'Bryan kirjoitti:
>> Finally, today, I was able to id and su to a user in the LDAP database
>> who wasn't on the local machine. I'll write up my long, painful saga
>> and post it somewhere.
>> Apparently, 9.10 doesn't bother to install any kind of basic LDAP
>> database when you install the packages, so someone will have to add
>> new code to get what I did on 9.04 to work on 9.10.
> Well, I'll try fresh/latest/greatest stable one source package tonight.
> Official guide is for same version (20091028).
> OpenLDAP Software 2.4 Administrator's Guide
> The OpenLDAP Project <>
> 28 October 2009
> There is too much problems with Ubuntu's own package - an example:
> Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

I agree. It seems whoever is maintaining the slapd package has dropped
the ball pretty spectacularly, both with documentation and install
configuration. I tried last summer to learn enough about packaging
that I could be helpful in situations like this, but I didn't get very
far. And with school in session and me teaching six classes, I won't
have time to learn something new until winter break.


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