Leaving Edubuntu
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
jonathan at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 5 08:10:42 BST 2009
Hi David
David Van Assche wrote:
> 1. Edubuntu Handbook to be updated, remove LTSP parts and link from
> external upstream documentation.
> 2. Update Website to incorporate news, especially the recent roadmap
> explanation posted by Stephane.
> 3. Update website to list applications on the Edubuntu DVD (basically
> follow existing Intrepid and Jaunty application pages)
> 4. Update any howtos that explain/teach basic tasks in edubuntu
> (Something similar to
> http://www.linux-for-education.org/course/view.php?id=79)
> 5. Along with the above mentioned howto task, the easiest way would be
> to link to and help build linux-for-education.org
> <http://linux-for-education.org> which is supposed to be a moodle
> course based landing page for anything educational in the linux Arena.
> We could of course create our own Moodle Landing page and link to that
> from the Edubuntu website, and I believe there are plans to do that, but
> either way, Moodle courses are easily movable, so any work done now,
> will not be lost.
> 6. Analyze and review applications to be included in future Edubuntu
> versions
> 7. Squash existing bugs, test Karmic Edubuntu thoroughly, and post
> opinions, reviews, etc to this list
> 8. Work on artwork, including icon sets, menu layout, backgrounds
> 9. Help to fix Edubuntu wiki
Thanks for the thought you've been putting in to this. We haven't put
much discussion or thought into the website yet. I think just as we're
planning a wiki hug day, we should probably do a website hug day as
well. We track website bugs on Launchpad
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/edubuntu-website), we could use that for
other website to-do list items as well.
> So... if its really required, perhaps we should list the folks working
> on Edubuntu, and what it is they are working on, so there is some more
> visibility, and there are less thoughtless emails like the the one I'm
> responding to (perhaps due to being in the dark about what's really
> going on under the edubuntu covers, so to speak.)
We really do need to work on that. Previously I was a bit opposed to
having the Edubuntu homepage a blog, because we definitely didn't used
to have enough people who would actively update it, but recently things
have picked up and I think we need to tell the world what we've been
doing and what our plans and intentions are. Hopefully that will address
the problem to a large extent both internally and externally.
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