How likely to work would a Jaunty-to-Karmic server upgrade, be?
Harry Sweet
hsweet at
Thu Nov 5 15:38:24 GMT 2009
All seem well after:
sudo apt-get remove network-manager network-manager-gnome
>>> "Harry Sweet" <hsweet at> 11/03/09 9:08 PM >>>
Three minutes and 46 seconds, to be precise : )
Round 1
Almost got there. But I restored at the end of the day.
I copied the new one to an image and I plan on returning soon.
There were some network issues... The supposedly
static server ip and DNS kept on getting changes/lost.
I could get it working, but how it behaved after a reboot
was random.
I think this is the problem....seems there are 2 things fighting for control.
Round 2, I'll restore the new system and try the fix from the forum.
It fixed problems I was having with Inkscape and Gimp.
On cloning
We use Clonezilla for our windows systems. Clonezilla uses partimage.
We just have a 500 gig usb hard drive for server backups. Partimage
takes about 15 minutes to do a full gzipped image and about 4 to put it back.
We have /home in a separate partition, so there is not that much to clone.
Gzipped, its maybe 5 gigs, maybe less a bit.
I know it works, because It worked today, and this is not the first time I needed it.
I'm not sure it handles ext4 yet, so I'm staying on 3
have fun;;
>>> David Groos <djgroos at> 11/03/09 7:11 PM >>>
How's it looking Harry?
And, how can you restore a system in <4 minutes? I use clonezilla and to
burn the server image back onto a server it takes some 3-4 hours... I don't
use partimage though--seems like that would would only repair part of the
On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Harry Sweet <hsweet at> wrote:
> I hope to find out tomorrow. I started the upgrade before I left work.
> Of course, I have a known working partimage-image so I can restore the
> existing system
> in <4 minutes if anything bad should happen. I know how long it takes
> because I borked
> the server a couple of weeks ago trying to uninstall some weird software.
> I would definitely recommend taking that precaution. Check out the Linux
> Rescue CD
> And oh, yeah, doing the upgrade will just upgrade the server. You need to
> also chroot and
> ltsp-- help me with the command.. or the clients will still have the old
> sytem.
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