Speech to text application

dbclinton dbclin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 02:14:12 GMT 2009

Voice recognition is not yet a fully mature technology. The best
commercial software - and the only one I've heard about that can
sometimes be tamed by average users - is Dragon Naturally Speaking. But
that's a Windows product. 
There are two opensource linux-based projects on the go (Julius and
Sphinx) but they're apparently nowhere near ready for prime time.
Good luck (and let us know if you find anything new),
David Clinton

On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 16:22 -0600, John Hansen wrote:
> Hi,
> Our Learning Center specialist has requested a speech to text application to
> help with students who have learning disabilities, so I'm looking for a speech
> to text application to install and use on our thin clients, or on a stand
> alone Edubuntu work station. I see applications for text to speech, such as
> espeak and festival, but really nothing for speech to text.
> Suggestions or ideas please.
> Thanks,
> John
> -----------
> John Hansen
> Director of IT
> Cotter Schools
> 1115 W. Broadway
> Winona, MN 55987
> (507) 453-5000 ext. 5199
> support at winonacotter.org
> -- 
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by the Cotter Technology 
> Department, and is believed to be clean.

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