[Fwd: Re: compatible interactive whiteboard]

gerhard.oettl.ml at ogersoft.at gerhard.oettl.ml at ogersoft.at
Mon Mar 9 08:15:51 GMT 2009

There is a development in austria (german language only)

At least some parts are open source - don't ask me about details but may be it 
is worth a look.


Christopher Chan schrieb:
> I believe David Groos wanted this to hit the list and not just me.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Betreff:
> Re: compatible interactive whiteboard
> Von:
> David Groos <djgroos at gmail.com>
> Datum:
> Sun, 8 Mar 2009 23:31:29 -0500
> An:
> Christopher Chan <christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk>
> An:
> Christopher Chan <christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk>
> Here are some of my thoughts:
> The wiiboard is awesome and the way to go I think BUT I will start to check
> it out this summer and we'll see :)  It will take a lot of work.  Is there
> some place on an edubuntu wiki page where people are consolidate their
> experiences/knolwedge with this?
> Smartboard works w/ Edubuntu?  That's great, didn't know that.  Does it have
> to run as a local app? is this a linux version of their Notebook software?
> how updated is it?
> Referring back to a few days ago (March
> 2<https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-users/2009-March/005186.html>)
> Christopher alerted us to the fact that the Promethean people have created a
> Linux version of their new activeinspire software (though only 32 bit at
> this time) and that is truly significant.  I've got colleagues using the
> smart board and others using the promethean and while the board is what
> draws one attention, the capabilities of the software is what pays off in
> the day to day use...  This is a long way of saying that the software angle
> is critical in what I've seen.  For those unfamiliar with the market,
> promethean is a competitor to smartboard and many people prefer it to a
> smart board though they both have their advantages and disadvantages.
> Good luck
> David
> PS I just did a search on wiki.edubuntu.org for 'smartboard' and there were
> 2 hits: 1 in catalan which I don't know what it said and another of an irc
> chat.  Feel free to beat me to putting up a page there on
> 'smartboards'--I'll be looking again this summer and if there I'll add to
> it, if it isn't there I'll add it.
> On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Christopher Chan <
> christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk> wrote:
>>> You could supplement your Smartboard with a wiimote and a projector to
>>> create a wiiboard.  Here are my notes for doing this under Ubuntu
>>> Intrepid Ibex 8.10:
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/cwelug/msg/fdc31300fd432f7d
>>> This wiiboard is a variation of Johnny Lee's demonstration at TED:
>> http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/johnny_lee_demos_wii_remote_hacks.html
>> Do you have a hack for a second or even a third mouse button?
>> cheers,
>> Christopher
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