Which Squid?

David Groos djgroos at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 18:48:21 GMT 2009

Hi All,

I´ve got an Edubuntu/LTSP setup and I´m working on getting squid going and
having quite a challenge with it--too much specialized/unknown vocabulary
for me.  I don´t need squid for caching of objects since I´m using thin
clients, but want to use it for coordinating white lists with different
groups of users. I thought before I invest myself further in learning squid
I should first decide which version to use.  Also, I´m going to be using
squidguard as an add-on.  I understand that squid-stable is at 2.6 currently
and that is what I was working on.    However, should I use this version,
install/invest in 2.7, move up to 3.0 or 3.1?  I would appreciate anyone´s
opinion on this!
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