Fwd: nic with bootrom

Craig A. Adams craigaa at karg.co.za
Thu Mar 5 17:32:34 GMT 2009

Hi Ray,

Not a problem, there is a company in JNB called NetDay who sell them
relatively cheap and will ship them to you. NetDay also do LTSP labs so
you'll get the right stuff.

Give Riaan a call at 011-403-5597, I don't have his email address to

Kindest Regards

Craig A. Adams

On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 08:17 -0800, Jordan Mantha wrote:
> Ray, I'm forwarding your email on to the Edubuntu Users mailing list,
> they'll have much better suggestions than me. To the list, make sure
> to CC Ray as I'm not sure if he's subscribed or not, thanks.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ray Smith <ray at compurite.co.za>
> Date: Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:57 AM
> Subject: nic with bootrom
> To: laserjock at ubuntu.com
> Hi Jordan
> We are based in White River Mpumalanga and are assisting a local
> training collage to install EdUbuntu for the students. We are
> struggling to find network cards with bootrom's. Do you know of a
> supplier that we could try.
> Sorry for the hassel. I have tried all the suppliers I know and I can
> get Dlink cards but the delivery is 3-4 weeks.
> Thank you
> Ray Smith

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