First try, Jaunty Alternate, a bug

Asmo Koskinen asmo.koskinen at
Sun Mar 1 07:45:08 GMT 2009

Asmo Koskinen kirjoitti:

> Things has changed.

I wonder how much from Hardy/Intrepid?

GR 19.1.2009 about ltspfs/ltspfsd:

"Latest upstream should address this, as we no longer block removable 
devices in a udev rule at all. Instead, we block only ide and ata 
devices that are not removable by default - what we call "Internal 
disks". USB disks, wether removable or not, should no longer be blocked 
by default.

This will no doubt make it into Jaunty. Not sure if/when a backport to 
Intrepid is planned."

Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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