Ubuntu Technical Board meeting results
Jordan Mantha
laserjock at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 17 05:34:59 BST 2009
Today the Ubuntu Technical Board met and discussed a few topics that
the Edubuntu Council put forward regarding the future technical
direction of Edubuntu. I'm sending a copy of the Meeting Minutes
below. I think it's a positive step forward for the Edubuntu
community. If you have any questions please feel free to reply.
P.S. Also feel free to congratulate Stéphane Graber (stgraber), Ubuntu
LTSP maintainer, for making Ubuntu Core Developer today.
== Edubuntu Releases for Karmic and Karmic+1 and hosting on Canonical
infrastructure ==
Over the last few months, the Edubuntu development community has been
going through a revitalization process, with quite a few new potential
contributors and some rethinking.
The add-on CD arrangement has come up as a practical concern for many
new contributors, as it causes issues for easy installation on
multiple computers and makes it hard to produce a single demonstration
image (along the lines of the desktop CD for other flavours). The
add-on CD was originally introduced because Edubuntu was largely an
Ubuntu CD plus some additional education applications, needing two CDs
anyway, and refactoring it as an add-on to Ubuntu seemed a reasonable
way to keep testing requirements under control. The Edubuntu
developers would like to move to a USB or DVD image to address this
concern. The TB is happy for this to be worked out with the CD image
team, provided that consideration is given to effective testing for
release; any new image would supersede previous ones.
In the 9.04 cycle, Edubuntu images were moved from the widely-mirrored
releases.ubuntu.com server to cdimage.ubuntu.com. While this has
caused some issues due to a reduced number of mirrors, releases vs.
cdimage is purely an infrastructural concern (i.e. there's a maximum
amount of data that mirrors are willing to contemplate before mirror
administrators start dropping releases.ubuntu.com or only mirroring it
partially), and does not indicate a status consideration. That
decision was taken on the basis of which images are downloaded most.
If there is a need for more mirrors than are available of
cdimage.ubuntu.com, then we encourage the Edubuntu team to discuss
this with mirror administrators on the ubuntu-mirrors mailing list.
== Inclusion of universe within Edubuntu ==
Jordan and Stéphane expressed concern that the restriction of Edubuntu
images to build only with main leads to a very limited selection of
applications. They would like to expand this to include universe as
well, similar to Xubuntu and other flavours.
Due to pressure of time, the TB moved quickly to vote on this rather
than discussing it extensively, but in any case were happy to approve
this; since Edubuntu now has a broader scope than previously, and
development is much less focused on Canonical, this seems to be a
reasonable change.
== Ubuntu Core Developer application for Stéphane Graber ==
Stéphane's application to join ubuntu-core-dev was approved.
Congratulations and welcome!
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