Wiki Cleanup
Richard Doyle
rdoyle at
Fri Jul 24 02:00:40 BST 2009
On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 20:39 -0400, Ace Suares wrote:
> Hi,
> I started mastering the wiki. The beast is now whimpering at my feet but
> can not hold back an occasional growl, exposing its flickering teeth.
> First off, I'd like to draw your attention to the following page:
> It lists all pages that are marked EdubuntuCleanup.
> These pages are already marked to be deleted, moved, edited and at
> minimum they need to get out of this Category at some point.
> One of our recently discussed goals, is to move user docs that are in
> this wiki, to
> I did this already with the following pages:
> I also created a CategoryNeedsRedirect, since Ogra told me there is some
> special way to redirect pages to the new location as not to frustrate
> google and other demi-gods. As soon as someone explains to me how to do
> it I will treat these pages properly.
> So my question to you is:
> Does anyone see in this list anything that needs to be preserved? Or any
> suggestions on how to handle these pages? I think none of them is user
> documentation, or is it?
> 2. EdubunterosChilenos
> 3. Edubuntu/Documentation/Handbook/Planning
> 4. Edubuntu/Wiki
> 5. Edubuntu/Wiki/Archive
> 6. Edubuntu/Wiki/Cleanup
> 7. EdubuntuChile/LaunchPadLogo
> 8. EdubuntuChileArtwork
> 9. EdubuntuCommercialFeedback
> 10. EdubuntuCommunity
> 11. EdubuntuCommunityIntegration
> 12. EdubuntuData
> 13. EdubuntuDefaultDesktopLanguage
> 14. EdubuntuDistupgrade
User documentation, but obsolete
> 15. EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuQuickguide/IntroductionToEdubuntu
> 16. EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuQuickguide/RoadMap
> 17. EdubuntuInstalledApplications
> 18. EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes
User documentation
> 19. EdubuntuLogo
> 20. EdubuntuPress
> 21. EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy
> 22. EdubuntuSounds
> 23. EdubuntuStudyContent
> 24. EdubuntuStudyPackages
> 25. EdubuntuTesting
> 26. EdubuntuTestingPlan
> 27. EdubuntuWebsitePlan
> 28. EdubuntuWiki
> 29. TeacherRecommendedProjects
> 30. TeachingTools
> My proposal is to either delete these pages or move them all to a new
> CategoryIrrelevant (so that in the end we will have only relevant pages
> in the wiki and a big stack of Irrelevant in one place. Which we can
> then maybe delete.
> Cheers
> ace
> PS any other approach welcome, i am a bit overwhelmed.
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