Hiring Edubuntu Staff

R. Scott Belford scott at hosef.org
Thu Jul 23 23:05:29 BST 2009

For what it is worth, it is now nearly a year since I tracked down
every key Canonical employee I could find at Linuxworld 2008, both at
the conference and at after-hours events, to communicate two messages:
the state of Edubuntu and its User community was having an *adverse*
*impact* on the adoption of gnu/linux in education, particularly in
thin-client environments,and that two people should be hired - Gavin
and Asmo.  As Ace observed, he actually thought Gavin worked for
Canonical.  I used to think so, too.  Asmo has been instrumental at
greeting and inspiring new users and help-seekers on this list, and he
likes Frank Zappa.

Some of the Canonical staff who received my message last year are on
this list.  I hope that someone is listening.

Oh, and for the record, Most Schools Block IRC Making it an Impossible
Communication Venue for Teachers Needing Support.

With Aloha and Respect and an Undying Passion for the Adoption of FOSS
in the the K12 Environment


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