Wiki Cleanup

Ace Suares ace at
Thu Jul 23 13:51:21 BST 2009

Hi All,

Discussing with LaserJock and Sbalneav (amongst others) yesterday, and 
LJ says thet the contents of the wiki.edubuntu must be moved to help.ubuntu.

But trying to get a grip on the website(s) is quite hard.

For instance:

In the 'header', I mean the three rounded corner boxes at the top, 6 of 
the links go to ubuntu and 3 to edubuntu websites.

It's called the Ubuntu Team Wiki, not the Edubuntu Team wiki, why?

The links in the Release Table all link to edubuntu

Help/Support: both links go to ubuntu

Getting involved -> ubuntu

Teams -> Edubuntu

And so on. What is the goal of the wiki.edubuntu homepage? To confuse 
people by sending them once to ubuntu and other times to edubuntu, it 
seems :-)

Climax is at the bottom, 'discuss the homepage here'. But it's the 
ubuntu homepage that is discussed and the discussion is not very 
fruitfull it looks.

On the TEAMS page, it's all ubuntu, and 
when you look at the edubuntu team, there are no names fillend in, and 
the link goes back to the homepage.

At this point I am so truly demotivated by the lack of any hint on how 
it *should* work that I hope someone from this list will enlighten me, 
because there is no way I can get a handle on this to get started. I 
don't want to change stuff and then later it turns out that the changes 
where useless...!

Okay, one more try, the idea was to get the user doc stuff of the 
wiki.edubuntu and into help.ubuntu. I don't really know where to find 
the list of all topics, so I go to the one page I know now:
(eh wat? I tought this was on It's not? Oh well...)
On the bottom of that page it says CategoryCleanup. So I click that to 
get a list of pages that need to be moved.

It says: the list may take a while to load.... but then nothing happens. 
Apparently it is unable to generate a list of CategoryCleanup?

So I click on More Actions -> Local Site map. Hm... none of the 
ThinClient pages show up there either.

Really don't know where to start.


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