KDE wants your input

David Groos djgroos at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 17:07:13 GMT 2009

The ¨Wii Board¨ features that interest me are:
--Very inexpensive (have one in every room even in economically poor
districts as long as has data projector)
--Can project on a 10 by 7 foot screen so details are large enough for
people in the back of class to see.
I´ve heard that ActiveVIsion has a Linux version though don´t think it is
open source and not sure if it´s working.  If you get this working w/ Linux
Christopher please post your experiences!

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Christopher Chan <
christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk> wrote:

> David Groos wrote:
>> I'm not familiar at all with this software but have been thinking about
>> something to work with this 'open source' interactive white board by Jonny
>> Lee :-)
> ...yes, I have heard about the Wii Board and maybe I should try to set one
> up at home on my Linux box too...
>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgKCrGvShZs&feature=related <
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgKCrGvShZs&feature=related> (please
>> excuse the 20 seconds of ads at the start--it really is amazing, though, if
>> you haven't seen it.)  Would this software work with something like that?
>>  Not only is the Wii 'smartboard' extremely affordable, it solves the size
>> limitation of smartboards and promeathean boards.  Thanks, David
> Activstudio gives the teacher a whole lot more than just the 'Paint'
> demonstration. As for head tracking...is there any school that has a VR
> environment for their teaching purposes?
> Activstudio itself would most probably have worked fine with the Wii board
> so the problem is not replacing the hardware.
> The problem is whether there is a software equivalent to Activstudio.
> But I will have a go at setting up a Wii board if any of them uber
> expensive Promethean boards die.
> regards,
> Christopher
>>    That piece of software makes it easy for teachers to create content for
>>    use in their classes and can be used in tandem with a physical
>>    interactive whiteboard which allow their pupils/students to get
>>    involved.
>>    A powerful and easy to use content creation tool that is easily used
>>    with an interactive whiteboard can mean a lot. Not all teachers are
>>    going to want to use subject specific software. All teachers would
>>    however appreciate being able to make their own stuff for their
>> classes.
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