which release to use?

john lists.john at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 18:18:37 GMT 2009

Thanks Jordan and David. I appreciate your feedback.

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Jordan Erickson
<jerickson at logicalnetworking.net> wrote:
> John,
> I use Hardy for all of my Ubuntu/LTSP/Edubuntu sites (9 total so far). I
> agree with you 100% on your stance regarding sticking with a longer release
> cycle. I see no reason to move to Ibex. I did the quick release cycle thing
> in the Dapper -> Gutsy days, before I learned about SRUs and backports. It
> takes some elbow grease to get new features/bugfixes into LTS, but that's
> what we, the community, chime in to accomplish, no? For example, I am
> currently involved in SRUing the infamous Firefox 3 entropy issue to Hardy.
> The fix was released for Jaunty. It actually kinda makes me laugh to even
> hear about Jaunty, but IANAP and obviously they need to think way further
> ahead than I do in regards to releases.
> Take a look at these links for more information. Again, IMHO, and with
> administrating 9 *buntu LTSP sites, Hardy is the sensible, sane choice.
> Nobody that administrates a larger number of systems has time for a 6 month
> release cycle when you're trying to sustain a stable environment. Luckily,
> with *buntu, you can choose either route.
> http://laserjock.wordpress.com/2008/08/07/sru-needs-you/
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports
> Cheers,
> Jordan/Lns
> john wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> David I was under the impression that Hardy was the current LTS
>> release of Ubuntu/Edubuntu. From my point of view (school tech person)
>> a stable, supported version of LTSP is more useful than the a more
>> rapidly moving one.  As the person who supports not only LTSP but all
>> of the other network stuff that happens in a school district I don't
>> have the resources to rebuild/test/re-intigrate ubuntu every release
>> cycle. What are your thoughts?
>> John
>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 3:28 PM, David Van Assche <dvanassche at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Sameer Veerma,
>>>  You shuold be using intrepid Ibex. Many changes happend in Hardy
>>> which I haven't had the time to support. It works just fine under
>>> intrepd ibex 8.10. If you run into trouble, u can find me lounging on
>>> #edubuntu and #ltsp. I'll gladlly make it work for you.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> David (nubae) Van Assche
>>> www.nubae.com
>>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 9:31 PM, Sameer Verma <sverma at sfsu.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hello everybody,
>>>> We've had a LTSP lab for a while now, but it runs on Gutsy. We are
>>>> planning to redo the server with a newer base and try out the
>>>> fatclient setup.
>>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPFatClients What I'd
>>>> like to ping the community on is whether to use Hardy (8.04 LTS) with
>>>> backports or use Intrepid (8.10). Our main reason to look at Hardy is
>>>> the LTS aspect.
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Sameer
>>>> --
>>>> Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
>>>> Associate Professor of Information Systems
>>>> San Francisco State University
>>>> San Francisco CA 94132 USA
>>>> http://verma.sfsu.edu/
>>>> http://opensource.sfsu.edu/
>>>> --
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