very slow logoff for clients authenticating via winbind

john lists.john at
Fri Feb 20 21:50:05 GMT 2009

Thanks for that Idea Steve. I'll give it a try.


On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Steve Rippl <rippls at> wrote:
> As we're grappling with this we've found that authentication is sped up if
> the client actually has a name, so on the server we're giving each client a
> dhcp reservation by it's mac address and assigning a unique name.  This is
> improving our performance in a number of ways, it seems various pieces were
> written expecting to get user on machine x etc.  Don't know if this will
> help with the logout issue, we're using ldap and have some other problems!
> john wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just done a fresh install of Ubuntu LTS 8.04.2. I've set LTSP up so
>> that clients can authenticate against active directory via Winbind. My
>> problem is that users who have domain accounts must wait 30 seconds or
>> more between clicking the logoff icon on their gnome desktop and
>> actually being presented with the screen that allow them to log off.
>> Users with local machine accounts are given the log off pop-up
>> immediately.
>>  I see in the archives Matt had this problem with LDAP and had a fix
>> back on Wed Nov 26 19:41:28 GMT 2008. However the fix was detailed.
>> Can anyone help me solve this for winbind? Or at least help me figure
>> out where such an issue might be getting logged?
>> Thanks!
>> John
> --
> Steve Rippl
> Technology Director
> Woodland School District
> 360 225 9451 x326

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