No subject

Fri Dec 18 02:33:18 GMT 2009

time. It leaves me with unsupported software for 3 months of the
school year.
Assuming (perhaps erroneously) that many of the most avid users of LTS
Desktop releases are educational institutions (after all individual
users probably track the "latest and greatest" ubuntu), why not just
push the EOL date back until July? Granted that may not work for parts
of the world where school happens in July, but it would at least work
for approx .5 of the worlds edubuntu user base. Or perhaps it should
EOL on a schedule that works for the other .5. I am not really arguing
for one or the other (if indeed this is really a concern, I see that
Australian schools seem to have a holiday from July 5 to July 21). I
am merely suggesting that the current schedule doesn't work very well
for ANY educational institution.

As I understand it Hardy will EOL in April 2011, so if a change were
to be implemented, there would be some time to adjust. Note I am only
talking about Desktop LTS  EOL cycle's. It wouldn't even require
(much) more developer energy since most fixes likely to come in the
additional three months of support would probably be mirrored in the
Server LTS support which runs an additional 2 years (e.g. Hardy Server
LTS EOL is April 2013). Perhaps that's already how it works and I am
just full of beans (I don't think this is the case since Edu 7.04 LTS
didn't get updates after April 2008).

I'd be interested in someone setting me straight if I am way of base here.



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