Default Desktop and input method setting in Edubuntu

Elanjelian Venugopal tamiliam at
Thu Apr 16 15:44:58 BST 2009

Dear Joao,

Thanks for your input. Will try the options you've give and see which
works best.

I have a central server. All the 40 terminals are thin clients.


2009/4/16 Joao Ferreira gmail <joao.miguel.c.ferreira at>:
> On Thu, 2009-04-16 at 20:04 +0800, Elanjelian Venugopal wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I am newcomer to Ubuntu, and after becoming convinced with its power,
>> embarked on a project to set up computer labs at two local schools in
>> Malaysia. One lab, complete with 40 terminals, is now in operation,
>> running on Ubuntu 8.10.
>> Now, here is the problem.
>> Whenever I create a new user, it appears, I need to yet again set the
>> everything from the desktop, to resolution, to default fonts, to input
>> method. (The default language is Tamil, and SCIM is used to type in
>> Tamil characters.) Typically, this takes about 5 minutes each. There
>> are around 400 students in the school, and I'd need to create that
>> many users.
> --------------------------------
> solution a)
> create one base user (call it 'baseuser') ! configure all you want. when
> it's finished dont touch it again.
> for every new user (say student023) do this:
> - su
> - cp -R /home/baseuser/* /home/student023/
> - chown -R -f stundent023:users /home/student023
> you may need some minor adjustments..... try it :)
> ------------------------------------
> solution b)  :)
> you should also connect to the Gnome (or KDE if that is the case)
> mailing lists and ask your question there.... it just may happen that
> they have better solutions for that
> ------------------------------------
> solution c)
> use skel.
> all linuxes come with a /etc/skel/ dir: inside that dir is the base
> skeleton for all new user accounts.
> I've never tried this, but I belive that you can create 1 user,
> configure it as you need. the do
> su
> cp -R -f /home/baseuser/* /etc/skel/
> the following users created will have all those files. (try it)...
> that's what skel is for.
> -----------------------------------
> are you creating all those 200 acconts in all 40 terminals or do you
> have a central server ?
> congratulationjs for using linux/ubuntu..... you won't be sorry.
> Joao
>> I've checked the manual, and did searches in the internet, but did not
>> come up with any way to set the default look and feel and input
>> method.
>> I really hope someone in this user group could advise me on how I
>> could sort out this problem.
>> Many thanks,
>> Elanjelian
>> (Kuala Lumpur)

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