show stopper for us: dev nbd0 clients locking up losing connection with server

Scott Balneaves sbalneav at
Tue Sep 16 01:40:50 BST 2008

> I'll give it a go. This is going to sound pedantic, but I just want to
> make sure I do what you suggest. You are saying I should:
> 1) chroot /etc/ltsp/i386
> 2) apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
> 3) exit chroot
> 4) Since my server is AMD 64 based and my clients are x86 based
> 'ltsp-update-image -a i386'
> 5) ltsp-update-kernels

Yup.  Should work.


Scott L. Balneaves | "There are many causes I am prepared to die for,
Systems Department |  but no causes I am prepared to kill for."
Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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