Platinum Arts Sandbox to Appear at the ABLEconf Linux Conference and Test Release soon!
Platinum Arts
platinumarts at
Mon Sep 15 20:49:25 BST 2008
Just wanted to let everyone know that might live in Arizona about the linux
conference going on called Ableconf. You can find out more information at
the webpage Platinum Arts Sandbox is to be featured
there. The Sandbox presentation media will be posted online after the
conference is over for anyone who is interested.
In addition over at http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net we have a ton of Platinum
Arts Sandbox updates including a new test release soon. It will feature
Moviecube so kids will actually be able to create their own movies. For
anymore unfamiliar with Platinum Arts Sandbox, it is a free kid friendly
open source game design tool for ages as young as five. In addition we hope
to have a version of Sandbox that meets the Debian Free requirements so
hopefully it can be included in Debian and Edubuntu sometime in the near
future :) Take care and thanks for your time.
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net Former Multiple Award Winning project. May contain
content not suitable for kids.
Check out http://PlatinumArts.Net !
It features movie reviews, stories, free video games and more!
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