show stopper for us: dev nbd0 clients locking up losing connection with server

john lists.john at
Fri Sep 12 20:38:40 BST 2008

Thanks for the reply Scott,

> Could you give us a few more specs on the thin clients?  CPU/RAM
> specifically?

All thin clients are Ntavo 6030's with 512 MB ram. CPU is a via C3
Processor running at 800 Mhz

> Do you have NBD_SWAP turned on?

I haven't made any changes re: NBD_SWAP so it would be whatever the
images uses by default. As I mentioned earlier the server is
configured with 2 Dual-Core AMD Opteron Processor 2218. So I rebuilt
my thin client images with the 32 bit option
"ltsp-build-client --arch i386"

 Is it all the same clients, or
> random ones?

random clients so far

> All on the same switch? etc.

I have a the gig nic on server going to a switch with gig uplinks that
fans out to other switches across the building. The switches mostly
have gigE copper ports although there are still a few 100mb switches
out there. No errors on the server interface facing the thin clients.

I appreciate the feed back.


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