what to do with denemo

Harry Sweet hsweet at gcsny.org
Fri Sep 5 18:11:01 BST 2008

For notation I use either Rosegarden  http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/ 
and/or Lilypond.  http://lilypond.org/web/ 
They work very well together.  You can notate via a midi input, mouse or keyboard in Rosegarden if you like that
or in a text editor for Lilypond once you learn the language.  Lilypond will produce beautiful print outs in PDF and 
Postscript formats and you can export from Rosegarden right into Lilypond.

>>> Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com> 9/4/2008 7:59 AM >>>
On Di, 2008-08-12 at 16:31 +0300, Asmo Koskinen wrote:
> Jordan Mantha kirjoitti:
> > Perhaps we should consider dropping denemo in favor of another app?
> > Denemo has 17 open bugs in Debian and 8 in Ubuntu. Is it a often used
> > app? Would people miss it? Are there any good alternatives?
i dropped denemo from edubuntu-desktop today, if anyone has a good
program for musical note editing we could include, please suggest :)

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