Set default session for thin clients on LTSP

Todd O'Bryan toddobryan at
Fri Oct 24 13:22:23 BST 2008

I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 with the LTSP packages and would like to set
Xfce as the default window manager. If my students click on
Preferences->Select session->startxfce4, they can get Xfce, so all the
packages are there and work, but I've been unsuccessful at making it
the default session.

Here's the information I've amassed thus far:

1. The correct lts.conf file I should be using is
/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf (This doesn't actually exist on
my server, so do I just create it from scratch?)

2. Setting

    LDM_REMOTECMD = /usr/bin/startxfce4

should do what I want. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

The tricky bit is that this information is cobbled together from
multiple sources, so I'm not sure if I'm trying to use environment
variables from one version with the lts.conf location of another

I found the LTSP Documentation at

but can't find LDM_REMOTECMD or anything else about setting a default
session. Am I just missing it?


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