Just Another FYI - Hardy Alternate/LTSP5 as VM under KVM - It Just Works

Asmo Koskinen asmo.koskinen at arkki.info
Sun Oct 12 14:14:35 BST 2008

Just Another FYI.

This is something totally amazing and new to me...

Ubuntu 8.04.1 Alternate/LTSP5 works out-of-box as VM under KVM on the 
Ubuntu 8.04.1.

Host is - no LTSP packages at all.
Client is - Ubuntu 8.04.1 Alternate/LTSP5.
Thin Client is Fujitsu-Siemens Scenic (P4/256/i845G).

Sound, USB-stick and everything works out-of-box.


Here is howto for KVM:


This is a great way to test something - you do not want mess up your 
stable server or your stable desktop.

Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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