8.04 ltsp +slow

Jordan Erickson jerickson at logicalnetworking.net
Fri Oct 10 17:24:46 BST 2008

Uwe Geercken wrote:
> where should I check for the NDB_SWAP=True parameter?

It goes in lts.conf - check out 
http://www.ltsp.org/~sbalneav/LTSPManual.html#customizing-ltsconf for 
way more info on lts.conf and how to customize client behavior.

> one more question. we did not have internet access so far. so I never  
> did any updates on the server. the software I made available through a  
> local mirror I set up in case I needed to install additional software.  
> when I update the server, I would assume, that I update the server  
> first and then the chroot environment, right?
That would be fine, yes. Most would assume to update the server itself 
first. I don't think it should matter *which* you update first, though, 
as long as there isn't activity going on (since you'll most likely have 
to reboot due to kernel upgrades, etc.)

>>>> Uwe,
>>>> I just got back from a site and noticed a few things regarding NBD_SWAP
>>>> and the ltsp-client-setup script that lives in /etc/init.d in the
>>>> chroot. I have no idea if this is related, but it *does* hang the server
>>>> (and bootup of clients) when NBD_SWAP = True, the chroot is updated with
>>>> hardy-updates (which fixes the NBD port bug and gets it going in the
>>>> first place) at:
>>>> ---
>>>> Setting up LTSP client...
>>>> Negotiation:
>>>> ---
>>>> Upon looking in 'top' on the server, there are a few 'dd' processes
>>>> running, which I assume are creating swap files in /tmp on the server.
>>>> I'm not sure though. Here's my IRC log, just to give more information
>>>> (Thanks Ryan for the help btw, you nailed a syntax bug in the script):
>>>> http://lns.wikidot.com/randomnotes
>>>> Whoever takes care of the ltsp-client-setup script should probably fix
>>>> that quote issue. Possibly our whole issue with NBD_SWAP lies in this
>>>> script as well... ?
>>> wow, that was well spotted, this change of looping over nbd devices came
>>> from fedora and likely contains a few bashisms, i will examine it soon
>>> and prepare a fix for hardy-updates...
>>> ciao
>>> 	oli
>> /me feels happy to have found this (with help from Ryan52 in #ltsp) =)
>> Thanks Oli!
>> Jordan
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