Java performance awful, any ideas?

Todd O'Bryan toddobryan at
Fri Nov 14 23:40:32 GMT 2008

Yeah. I just wondered if anyone knew what the XCB bug might be or
whether the XCB devs were working on it. :-)

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 6:17 PM, Jordan Erickson
<jerickson at> wrote:
> "The main difference between these versions appears to be that the Hardy
> version links
> to /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/, and the older version
> does not."
> I'm guessing it has to do with that. I *just* did the Gutsy file copy today
> at one school, and it seemed to fix the problem all together with no ill
> effects (knocks on wood).
> Cheers,
> Jordan/Lns
> Todd O'Bryan wrote:
>> Does anyone have any idea what the bug might be and if it's still
>> present in intrepid? I'll try the fix on Monday and see what
>> happens...
>> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Kai Wollweber <wollw at> wrote:
>>> Am Freitag, den 14.11.2008, 09:44 -0500 schrieb Todd O'Bryan:
>>>> I'm trying to run BlueJ (, a fairly modest Java
>>>> IDE for students. It runs fine on the servers, on my Ubuntu laptop and
>>>> desktop, but on the clients it's as slow as molasses.
>>> Rhere is already a bug report at launchpad about this issue:
>>> I asked Juha in ltsp-discuss mailing-list and his answer gives us a
>>> workaround:
>>>> ----- "Kai Wollweber" <wollw at> kirjoitti:
>>>>> yesterday I recognized the problem of slow java applications on our
>>>> ltsp
>>>>> clients. In our case the java program "geonext" is unuseable but
>>>>> importand for our school. I found your solution posted some weeks
>>>>> ago:
>>>>>> The sluggishness of some Java applications can be solved in Ubuntu
>>>>>> Hardy by replacing the /usr/lib32/ file in Hardy
>>>> with
>>>>>> the version in Gutsy (presuming Firefox and Java are 32-bit
>>>> versions, so
>>>>>> they use 32-bit libraries).  The main difference between these
>>>> versions
>>>>>> appears to be that the Hardy version links
>>>> to /usr/lib/
>>>>>> and /usr/lib/, and the older version does not.  Similar
>>>> change
>>>>>> may work as well with other LTSP distributions that are affected by
>>>> this.
>>>>> 1.) How can a single file be replaced between different Ubuntu
>>>> versions?
>>>> Simply replacing the file (with cp) should be enough, but in
>>>> case updates should happen to ia32-libs package that contains the
>>>> /usr/lib32/ file, those updates will overwrite the
>>>> changed file.  dpkg-divert can be used to solve this problem, it can
>>>> be used to divert file updates to another place (in this case, because
>>>> the file is a shared library, it should not be in the same directory,
>>>> otherwise ldconfig will link to the wrong file).
>>>> You might want to test by simply installing the gutsy version of
>>>> ia32-libs package, it should work, but I don't recommend that as a
>>>> permanent solution (it will change many other libraries as well).
>>>>> 2.) Where can I get the file from Gutsy?
>>>> You can unpack deb-archives with (IIRC):
>>>> (mkdir tmp && cd tmp && ar x ../ia32-libs_2.1ubuntu4_amd64.deb && \
>>>>   tar -zxf data.tar.gz)
>>>> You'll find the file there.
>>>>> 3.) Are there side effects that probably can affect the system?
>>>> Perhaps, but I'm not aware of any.
>>>>> 4.) Am I right that the file needs to be replaced in the ltsp
>>>> chroot?
>>>> No, X-clients use this library, so it needs to be replaced in the ltsp
>>>> server environment, NOT in the image that is served to terminals.
>>>> I hope this helps.
>>>> Juha
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> Jordan Erickson
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