Fat clients or standalone for DVD watching?

Tom Atkins tom at susweb.net
Sun May 18 13:19:50 BST 2008

I have Ubuntu 8.04 LTSP running on the server and 10 thin clients all
working well in a small lab. The thin clients are old Pentium 2s and still
going strong.


We are buying a couple of new PCs  for 'multimedia' in the same lab - in
particular watching of DVD's and burning CD's.  What is the best way to set
these up? Should I just install Ubuntu locally on each of the new PCs and
then use NFS and LDAP for authentication and file sharing to the server? Or
would the LTSP Fat client setup work for DVD watching? Fat client setup as
described here: 




If the Fat Client setup would work, would the Fat Clients be diskless or
would I need to buy hard drives?


Many thanks in advance for your thoughts - and also thanks to the Edubuntu /
LTSP developers for a wonderful thing.


(For interest: I've just upgraded the lab of 10 computers that was running
LTSP on Fedora Core 2! It ran flawlessly for 4 years but Netscape Navigator
was looking a bit dated!)



Tom Atkins


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