video settings from ltsp4.2 dont work in Hardy

Kai Wollweber wollw at
Tue May 6 17:18:11 BST 2008

On Monday 05 May 2008 20:28:33 Oliver Grawert wrote:

> "nsc" was replaced by "amd" some years ago and is now replaced by the
> "geode" driver ...
> a fixed driver and xorg package is in the ppa [2] that is menitioned in
> the bugreport and testing would be appreciated to be sure we really get
> a solid version into hardy-updates for 8.04.1)
> [2]

I installed xserver-xorg-video-geode from the in [2] given source into chroot.

> set SCREEN_07=ldm and SCREEN_02=shell in case you want to have a shell
> login on the client ... the ldm.log lies in /var/log on the client
> together with the Xorg.6.log

Then I set lts.conf to:
    X_SERVER       = geode
    SCREEN_07      = ldm
    SCREEN_02      = shell

The client still fails starting the xserver. The file Xorg.6.log shows some 
suspicious facts (I could not save the file, so the following text does not 
expresse exactly the file content):

The loaded video module is named "CYRIX" despite the setting in lts.conf.

Many Modelines are calculated, some of them are declined because of 
insufficient video ram, but 1024x768 should be ok.

The File contains no line, which says that xserver start failed.

Kai Wollweber
Integrierte Gesamtschule

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