LTSP falling back to initramfs

David Van Assche dvanassche at
Sun Jun 22 16:48:29 BST 2008

Hi Wolfgang,
   First thing to do is check that there are no other dhcp servers on your
ltsp network interfering with the startup process (ie. router on same
subnet.) Then you can disable the 'fancy orange moving' screen by taking out
splash and taking out quiet from

That should give you  some more debug info to go on...

Good Luck,

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Wolfgang Bogenrieder <
Wolfgang.Bogenrieder at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some serious problems in thin clients coming up.
> I have an AMD64 dual core server and first made an amd64 installation of
> edubuntu, but clients are i386 as usual.
> On boot up the client was trying to start the loaded 64bit kernel
> (generated through setup installation and configuring, why 64bit client
> kernel as default ??) and fails, but no change on installed edubuntu to
> do an update client kernel to i386 arch.
> Therefor I did a new clean i386 installation on server. Now client is
> loading and starting the kernel entering desktop session initialization
> with this fancy orange moving startup screen. However, after a few
> seconds this procedure fails and client falls back to initramfs,
> clearing screen and wiping all debug messages possibly coming up before.
> Any chance to debug this ? Which scripts are processed during session
> initializing ? Can I put some echoes to the scripts with output on
> server (I can, but how) ? Worth to listen with wireshark to
> client-server communication ? Any known bug to this issue (I found a
> possible bug, #156229 ltsp_config, but descriped in gutsy release, tried
> eliminating it, but failed too) ?
> Please, if you have an good, efficient idea to solve this, tell me and
> don't tell me fool, I lost sufficient live time.
> Greetings, Felix
> Thanks for help !!
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