Desktop Install - Central Login ??

Mon Sagullo ramonsagullo at
Thu Jul 31 16:30:49 BST 2008

From: Gavin McCullagh <gmccullagh at>
To: edubuntu-users at
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 5:26:31 PM
Subject: Re: Desktop Install - Central Login ??

You can store /home/ on a server with NFS, then mount that directory as
/home on each desktop.  This will mean that user's files and settings are
available from any computer.


= = = =>
Hello, Gavin.

I have a slightly similar "intention" that your reply appears to be helping me in the right direction :-)

I just recently plunged into 40 very fat clients for our new lab in school:-) 

Kindly correct me if I am wrong, but can I make a list of users - students with their respective log-in names and password - on one desktop, then copy this configuration file (I don't exactly know how to refer to this), and then copy this on all the desktops so all the students can use any of the computers with the same username and password - without me doing this manually on all the units?

The desktops are all identical.

Oh, and anyone is most welcome to ease our transition to a fully Ubuntusized and OOo computer lab.

I just got my copy of Ubuntu Unleashed 3 weeks ago, but I don't have the time to really dig into its pages. I normally zero in on a chapter or a few pages for a "quick reference" fix.  A small school like ours? Am a one-man IT department, so it takes a lot of efforts not to spread myself too thinly, yet I have to address all the IT concerns - hardware-software-user's "could you please show me how?" package that goes with my job. I recently "recruited" a working-for-the-school-student as an assistant, slowly training him for now, on the more "mundane" IT-related tasks.

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