Desktop Install - Central Login ??

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Mon Jul 21 11:15:28 BST 2008


On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, David Stalane wrote:

> The reason I think I'll do full desktop installs is that all the PC's
> are identical and the spec is not good enough for a server and too
> good for thin client (they had bought the gear already)...I don't want
> to cannibalize the existing machines or spend anymore money.

That makes reasonable sense.  The only trouble with desktop installs is the
maintenance is a lot greater.  You need to maintain the install on each
desktop individually.  Some of this can be automated, but thin clients
really are one machine.  

I'm not sure of the status at this point of the diskless fat client (or
whatever it's called).  The idea is that your desktops network boot, and
take their applications, etc. from the server as with thin clients, but
they actually run applications locally on the desktop, rather than running
them on the server.  In principal, this should give you a single install to
maintain, but use the computing power of the desktops.

I'm not honestly sure if this works well at this point though.  I've never
done it myself.


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