How to map network drive ??
Gavin McCullagh
gmccullagh at
Sat Jan 26 19:18:54 GMT 2008
On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, oedha at wrote:
> Ah. Looking at the manpage for mount.cifs (which is what you're using with
> CIFS), you might need to add the option noperms.
> // /media/x cifs //rw,uid=root,gid=users,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775,noperm
> 0 0
> -- i did....and why...why it still can not work based on the theory ???
Please again send us the output of the command
ls -l /media/x
so we can tell if the privilege change actually worked. Also, try the command
to see are you in the group "users" who we're trying to give write access
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