cups problem

Jim Hutchinson jim at
Fri Jan 25 20:24:39 GMT 2008

Greetings again,

Nearly every day for the past week or two we have been having printing
problems - nothing prints. When I check "top" it often shows "cupsys"
with 80-90% CPU usage. Restarting cups (sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys
restart) fixes the problem every time. There have been a couple
occasions when "cupsys" was not using a lot of the cpu but still no
printing and restarting fixed the issue then too.

Any thoughts on why or what logs I can post to help uncover the
problem? We are running a default install of feisty that has NOT been
updated. We know it works and haven't wanted to risk breaking
anything. It's a fairly high use lab and if it's down it's a problem.
I've been wanting to run the updates but scared to break something.


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