locking down the desktop

Ismael Farfán Estrada sulfurfff at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 21 14:59:31 GMT 2008

« La adolescencia es el periodo de tu vida en el que piensas que la masturbación es algo transitorio. »
~ Hombre resigando.

> Students can save to their individual network folders if they need to save
> something.
> They are cluttering their desktops with "stuff" that they do not need at
> school (non educational).
> I'm wandering if a deep-freeze type script would be the best way to go.
> Any thoughts?

Hi, I'm thinking on doing the same,
I plan to change the owner of the desktop folder to root
and put it to read only

chown root /home/*/Desktop
chmod 111 /home/*/Desktop
(111 readonly?)

> This is something they could undo, but I'm guessing you're just trying to
> keep things tidy. If it's a security issue (?)

If root is the owner, they can't "undo" anything


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