Edubuntu Server

Daniel J. Summers daniel at
Wed Jan 9 18:03:29 GMT 2008

Gavin McCullagh wrote:
>  - Adobe flash plugin is only available on 32-bit (yes you can maybe get it
>    working on 64-bit using 32-bit firefox but it's very messy).  Gnash only
>    sort of works now.
Actually, it works pretty well on 7.10 (at least on straight Ubuntu).  
The first time you go to a site that requires flash, it prompts you 
download a plug-in (nspluginwrapper).
>  - Java only seems to be packaged well on 32-bit (I'm running gutsy 64-bit
>    and there's no Sun Java Plugin, though there is the gcj one)
This is still an issue, though there's something called "IceTea" or 
"IcedTea" (heh) that's supposed to work.  I haven't had any problems, 
but I also haven't tried to do any serious Java.

I've been pretty impressed with the improvements in the 64-bit arena in 
7.10.  Your advice is still probably good, but some of the issues are 
being resolved, a release at a time.  :)

Daniel J. Summers
Owner, DJS Consulting
E-mail - 	daniel at <mailto:daniel at>
Website - <>
Technology Blog -

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